Lime stone


Limestone is a sedimentary rock that has been formed over millions of years at the bottom of lakes and seas. Often limestone can be found with fossils (e.g. Jura limestone which clearly shows the sedimentary nature of the material.) Limestones vary in hardness (density) depending on their age and formation.

The softer limestones are often used for carving of fireplace surrounds and art works. Although not as durable as granite, limestone can be maintained well. Their soft natural beauty and colours are very popular in complimenting our modern interiors.

Lime Stone slab

Cohare Limestone

Cohare Limestone

samirom limestone A

samirom limestone A

samirom limestone AA

samirom limestone AA

Lime Stone Range

ISC-L 01 -Brushed samirom limestone

ISC-L 01 -Brushed samirom limestone

ISC-L 02 - Brushed samirom limestone

ISC-L 02 - Brushed samirom limestone

ISC-L 03 - Gohare lime stone

ISC-L 03 - Gohare lime stone

ISC-L 04 - Gohare lime stone

ISC-L 04 - Gohare lime stone